Our alumni organization offers a virtually unlimited list of capabilities because of our vast old boy old girl networking. This site is maintained by Eziama High School alumni and serves as a platform to tackle issues affecting Eziama High School Aba, Abia State, Nigeria. Eziama will rise and rise again.

Letter 1
Inter House Sports
Okpara House (Power House led by Shapiro ) during inter house sports


Letter 1
Inter House Sports
Okpara House (Power House led by Shapiro ) during inter house sports

The Class of 1975 turned out to be the last time Eziama High School was a mixed school with the last set of girls including Milicent Jaja, Jane Asibe, Ada Okorafor Uloma Nkoro, Dorothy Nwadibia, Victoria Ogbonna, Ola Okorie etc.

If you have any Old boys and girls picture to share, please send it by email to